Tag Archives: dead woman humor

Deadly Mixed Email Address – Midnight Visitor Lazy Sunday by the Pool Joke

lazy sunday by the swimming pool jokes

Happy Australia Day today January 26! This year’s Australia Day is a Saturday, but if you are in Australia, have a happy long weekend anyway.

How’s the weather like in Sydney? Hope it is a nice day.

We will enjoy another Lazy Sunday joke by the pool. Wanna join us? Read on…

Deadly mixed email address

A couple going on a sweet weekend away on St. Valentine’s Day. The wife went first because her hubby had an important business meeting. They planned to meet first thing on Saturday morning.

When the wife reached her hotel, she sent a quick email to her husband.

As fate had it, she made a typo and missed one letter in her hubby’s email address. So instead, the email was sent to an elderly grieving man whose wife had passed away only the day before.

The grieving widow checked his email that night. He took one look at the email, let out a piercing scream, and drop down on the floor.

His family was alerted by his sound and rushed to his side. There, they saw this email on the screen:

Dearest Husband,

Just got checked in. Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow.

P.S. Sure is cold down here.